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With Consideration for Yesterday and Hope for Tomorrow, it is Possible to Build a Better Future.

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iPub Forum is a division of iPub Global Connection, a unique boutique publisher whose authors and contributors are our partners. We are proud to bring you a site built to promote knowledge and interaction between scholars, artists, writers, poets, and more.

Does Being Catholic Make a Difference?

The question about whether Catholicism is worth saving, addressed in my recent book and in an earlier blog, lingers on. All Catholics should ask themselves that question, and it is a question for members of all religions to ask themselves. Does being Catholic make a difference in how people live their lives? Are they, in…

Envisioning freedom this year on Passover

We are not really free just by living in the state of Israel, even if we do have some basic level of freedom, according to the law. True freedom comes with responsibility towards the discriminated and the oppressed within our midst. On Pesach, we should be mindful that our freedom is precious, but it is…

The Old Bunch: A Great American Novel

iPub author Rabbi James Rudin provides a review about Meyer Levin’s “The Old Bunch”, and why he is not alone in his assessment of it as the “greatest American novel of the first half of the 20th century.”

Decades of building bridges and creating hope.

– Len Swidler

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